The Level Best For Your Horse - Book & DVD by Bob Myler
Myler Bits cook and DVD provide helpful insights to biting for performance horses.Written by Bob Myler, World authority and manufacturer of performance horse bits. Especially important for new mounted shooters. Explains the Myler Bits by levels as relating to both horse and rider experience. Proper biting is key to winning and preventing injury to the horses mouth.
This book will save you lots of trial & error and effectively save you money. You might be amazed at what you will learn.
Written by Dale, Ron, & Bob Myler, who are widely regarded as the foremost experts in Equestrian biting. The Level Best for Your Horse, provides valuable insights to the philosophy of biting for comfort and performance and. definitions of the Myler biting system , expanded descriptions of the Myler mouthpieces and cheek-pieces, a clear explanation of leverage, and a comprehensive guide to using the Myler System to select a bit for your horse. Includes the DVD, A Whole Bit Better, a visual guide to the Myler System.